Publisher - Culture Brain
Developer - Natsume
Platform - N64
Release Date - August 24 1998
Type - Fighting
Natsume and Culture Brain promise to offer a unique fighter that is
slated for release among many fighters this summer. Flying Dragons is
said to offer two modes of gameplay with ten characters offered in
each mode, thus making a total of twenty fighters to choose from (not
including hidden fighters). SD mode is the first way to play, the
characters are shorter deformed looking, and the gameplay is
completely different from the other mode. There are items you can
collect to strengthen your fighter and it's almost RPG based. The
other mode stretches out your characters, resembling fighters from
other fighting games, in this mode fighting is the key and the items are
removed. Plus in the options menu the game is ultra configurable,
Natsume claims that the game can be customized to mimic your
favorite fighter.
Flying Dragon definetely looks to offer a refreshing new feel to the
over redundant genre of fighting games. As of now Flying Dragons is
going through a quick translation, the music and graphics are being
tweaked to suffice to us players in the states, and the camera angle is
even being tilted up a bit, heh no holds barred I guess. Hopefully we
see this game in the month of June sometime, it should be one to
keep an eye out for, we'll keep you updated.