Publisher - Kemco
Developer - Kemco
Platform - N64
Release Date - September 30 1998
Type - Action
One of five major Kemco projects for
N64, Knife Edge has been a
well-kept secret until its debut at the
Electronics Entertainment Expo in
Atlanta (E3). The game can best be
described as a "light-gun shooter
without a light-gun" that takes players
on a rollercoaster ride through the
caverns of Mars.
In the role of one of three different
navigator characters, players man the
guns of a reconnaissance mission on
Mars, where mysterious forces have
overrun the colonies established by
Earth pioneers. Of course,
reconaissance soon turns into
full-fledged battles, and your ship is
drawn into all kinds of Martian
Utilizing a first-person viewpoint,
players control an on-screen target
and blast enemies out of the sky. You
can move the target around with the
analog stick and need to be on the
lookout for any incoming fighters and
defense installations.
In a departure from games like Star
Fox, the camera will automatically
move through the environments -- but
since the game takes place in
real-time rendered levels, players can
also perform evasion moves and
escape enemy fire by the touch of a
button. The downside of this is that
you feel a bit like you're stuck in one
of those old CDi games. However,
the option to move out of the way and
perform limited strafing moves at least
gives the illusion of real-time
movement. The fact that the motion of
the player is controlled also means
that Kemco could concentrate on
smooth and good-looking visuals.
Since players don't have direct control
over the flight path, Knife Edge could
have turned out to be a very linear
game. Luckily, nothing is further from
the truth: Depending on your choice of
character, difficulty level and enemy
kill ratio, new branches and routes will
open up in the levels and enemies will
fly different attack formations. During
their missions, players will also
discover new weapons and face off
with gigantic end bosses.
Levels range from tunnels deep under
the surface of the planet to desolate
alien cities and bizarre Martian
landscapes. In order to convey the
feel of a sci-fi action movie, Kemco
has also added flight transmissions
from allied pilots and tons of booming
explosions and special effects. To top
it all off, there will be four difficulty
levels to make to make the game
playable for beginners and experts as
Although the current version of Knife
Edge only supports the N64 joypad,
we hope that Kemco will strike a deal
with a hardware manufacturer to
make Knife Edge the first lightgun
compatible game on N64. Several
manufacturers, including InterAct and
Nuby have already expressed their
intensions to release light guns -- but
there are as of yet no games that
could make use of them. Let's hope
that Knife Edge will be the first.
Knife Edge will be published by
Kemco and distributed by
Microwares, and should be ready to
hit store shelves this winter.