Publisher - Nintendo
Developer - Nintendo
Platform - N64DD
Release Date - January 1999
Type - Drawing
Mario Artist Series is a number of "programs" (they aren't really games), that are basically a
big upgrade to the SNES Mario Paint. Don't let the name fool you, this is no kiddie game,
infact it's being compared by some to be at level with some of the more proffesional
computer programs. The collection of creation programs offer gamers a chance to make
their own games, or at least partially. The four components include Picture maker (a 2D
paint program), Polygon Maker (a simplified version of 3D Studio), Talent Maker (a
program which lets you mix and match body parts for entry into a game), and a yet
unfinished sound program. You can control the pointer and tools on screen with the analog
stick, or a new accessory, the n64 mouse.
It looks like Nintendo is going for an approach like no other. To compete with the next
next gen systems (Dural, PSX2, ect.) they're going to go for something those can't offer.
Nintendo is trying to even entice the non gaming crowd. The Mario Artist Series will make
customization standard in DD games. All four of the programs can exchange data freely,
and also exchange data with other games. In the future you will be able to create your own
characters, backrounds, textures, and as close as possible to your own game. There is also
a possibility that Mario Artist will be compatable with the (rather inexpensive) Gameboy
pocket digital camera, and the gameboy printer.
Picture maker has a simple pictorial interface, and basically an enhanced MS Paint. With
the DD's disk space, you can choose from a wide variety of colors and pre made textures.
Nintendo has even included some of the more professional features, such as filters and
different types of brushes. For a good time, plug in four controllers or mice (did someone
say multiplayer apping....) and every one can paint at once. When you are done with your
drawing, you can test it out in Movie mode. In movie mode, a herd of dinosaurs march
around the screen with your texture on them. This is actually the remnants of the now
canceled Creator program. Of course, you can also enter the texture into a game such as
Sim City. And don't forget about the capture cartridge. The capture cart is a cartridge with
RCA style audio and video inputs and a microphone jack on the back. You can grab
pictures from your TV, VCR, stereo, or even a digital camera; and then stick it in your
Miyamoto is proud of Polygon maker, and he has good reason to be. At spaceworld he
said it was the one DD game he was working the hardest on. It is the one that really shines
above the others. In this program, which was co-produced by Nichimen, you can design
and render 3D objects. You can use different shaping tools to build and shape a lifelike
polygonal creature, and stick it in whatever game you like. You can even take a texture that
you have designed in Picture Maker, and add it to parts of your 3D model. Imagine making
your own enemies for Zelda DD, your own buildings for Sim City, your own levels in
Mario or Quake.
Talent Maker is a strange body customizer. The user enters attributes for height, weight,
skin, hair, nose, ears, and other variables. As this is done a 3D character on screen reflects
the changes in real-time. The wide verity of presets however can't match using the capture
cartridge to put yourself in. Just take a picture of your face with a digital camera, and
Wahoo!, you can be in a game. In Talent Maker you can watch your animated character
walk, run, or dance around. You can also have him play a little mini game. And of course,
you can enter the data into another game.
The fourth title is a yet untitled sound and music maker. Because of the concept of the 4
apps working together, there is the possibility that they may be bundled. The programs will
retail for less than games, because of the fact that you have to buy so many. The expected
release date would make it a launch title for the DD.