Publisher - Nintendo
Developer - Marigul
Platform - N64
Release Date - February 1999
Type - Simulation
Pikachu is bigger than Elvis -- well, at
least in Japan. The yellow "monster"
from Nintendo's Pokemon series took
the hearts of Japanese gamers by
storm when it debuted as one of
hundreds of Pocket Monster
creatures on the Game Boy in 1996.
From there, Pikachu has taken over
the shelves of retailers with dolls,
puppets, posters, stamps, stationary,
rings, clothes, and even stars in its
own TV anime series. It's no surprise
then that Nintendo is giving the cute
little monster a new venue to express
itself: Its own N64 game.
Pikachu is making his solo game
debut in Pikachu Genki Dechu
(which literally translated means
"Pikachu is feeling fine"), a
co-production of several companies
including Nintendo, Umbrella
(Marigul), Creatures and Game
Freak. In essence, the game is a
virtual pet simulator, much in the line
of Bandai's Tamagotchi or the
countless imitations it continues to
spawn. But since this is Nintendo
we're talking about, there is a special
little twist. Like Star Fox and
Pokemon Stadium, the cartridge will
ship with an added hardware bonus
that is vital to the underlying concept
of the title: A voice recognition
This accessory consists of an ear
phone with an attached microphone
that connects to a voice recognition
device. This in turn plugs into one of
the N64's controller slots. Once you
start up your N64 with the Pikachu
cart, you are greeted by a colorful
polygonal forest accompanied by the
appropriate ambient effects and the
usual dose of super happy music.
Using the analog stick, you maneuver
through the forest until you find
Pikachu, sound asleep on a tree trunk.
This is where the microphone comes
in -- simply call out Pikachu's name
and the virtual creature will wake up
and look at your in astonishment.
Since you're dealing with a shy, wild
animal it's vital to gain Pikachu's trust
and make friends.
Pikachu and his environment are
represented with great attention to
detail. The polygonal Pikachu looks
just like his anime counterpart.
Depending on the creature's mood,
Pikachu's face expresses sorrow,
anger, happiness, or embarrassment
(in addition to little "mood bubbles"
that pop up over Pikachu's head). If
left alone, the yellow monster will run
around the forest examining things,
sneezing its trademark 100,000 volt
sneezes, and looking for something to
play with while muttering things like
"pika pika" under its breath. Very
When Nintendo demonstrated the
voice recognition device at the
Nintendo Space World '97, Pikachu
responded to several voice
commands (both male and female). If
you called Pikachu "baka!" (stupid),
the creature would get angry, shout
something back and run off into a
different corner of the forest. Once
Pikachu is angry, it will not listen to
your commands and you need a lot of
patience to gain its trust again. On the
other hand, Pikachu would be really
happy about friendly comments like
"kawaii" (cute) and readily play ball
when encouraged. Every time you say
a word, the microphone icon in the
lower right corner will light up and let
you know whether the command was
An odd concept for a game? Sure,
but Nintendo didn't forget to include
some puzzles, interesting quirks and
hidden items for Pikachu (and you) to
play with. For example, when Pikachu
gets hungry, it will look up into a tree
and discover an apple. Since the
apple is to high up to reach, you will
need to help Pikachu. Simply grab
Pikachu's favorite toy -- the ball --
and throw it at the apple. If you're
good, the apple will fall down right
into Pikachu's waiting arms.
Just like other virtual pets, you will
need to keep Pikachu happy by
feeding it and keeping it entertained.
As of yet, it is not known how many
words Pikachu will understand or
whether there are other environments
waiting to be explored -- but there is
no denying that the game is interesting
to say the least.
If everything goes well, Pikachu will
be let loose on Japanese gamers
before the end of the year. Nintendo
has yet to make an announcement for
an international release of the game
(or announce other titles using the
voice recognition system), but if the
upcoming US release of the Pokemon
Game Boy series proves to be
profitable, this strange gem of a title is
almost guaranteed to make a splash
over here. Look for more info soon.
Note: Pikachu's sad claim to fame in
the United States has so far been
limited to a number of news stories of
epileptic attacks linked to the
Pokemon TV anime in Japan. In that
incident, which is in no way related to
Nintendo or the N64 console, a series
of red flashes triggered convulsions
and nausea in children prone to
epilepsy. Since then, the company
responsible for the Nintendo-licensed
show has removed the scene in