Publisher - Nintendo
Developer - Nintendo
Platform - N64DD
Release Date - June 1998
Type - Adventure/Construction
Let me tell you a little about Sim City before getting on with the preview. In all forms of
this game you have to zone out sections of land for three purposes, Industrial,
Commercial and Residential. You also need to build power plants to give your citizens
electricity, and connect that power plant to the different zones. In recent versions of the
PC hit you need to also provide water to your citizens. It doesn’t stop their either though.
You will need to entertain your citizens with amusement parks, stadiums, water parks and
then you will need to educate them with things like colleges and schools. So, what’s the
object of them game? Who can have the most fun is probably the best way to put it.
Personally I like building up a huge city and then demolishing it, however others prefer to
raise a city from the slums and turn it into a metropolitan.
Sim City 64, for the n64dd? Yep, and it’s going to be a "Miyamoto" game so you can
expect a lot of improvements over the aging PC and SNES versions of the game. It will
be a Sim City like no other. In this game, as the mayor, you become an active citizen in
your city. You could go gambling, watch a football game or go suck up to your citizens to
gain more votes, all in 3D.
You can expect all the usual Nintendo trademarks in this game since it is being published
and developed by Nintendo. If you remember the seven digit seller SNES Sim City then
you will understand why most people are physced about this game. The SNES Sim City
offered a lot more then ever the PC version did (some say it was better then Sim City
2000). Now that it is about to be joined by a 64-bit cousin that is created by the same
developer, a fan of Sim City can’t hope but get excited over this.
So far the game will be in complete 3D, citizens will be walking the streets and you will
be able to see them go about their lives. You can only imagine what the writability and
real-time clock of the n64dd will do for this game. You could have it set so that your city
will grow even when the game is turned off and you are asleep. The real-time clock could
record the date you turned your n64dd off, then it could load up that time the next time
you turn your n64dd on and change the look and status of your city accordingly. That is
only one of many possible features.